Golf is a simple game actually. The swing is a circle. It returns a relatively large clubhead
to a ball that hasn’t moved. And when you hit the sweet spot, it’s a great feeling.
How easy is it to find the sweet spot if the heel of your club is making contact with
the turf and the toe is raised? Which way is the club face pointing if you do find the
sweet spot? Would this be a great swing spoiled by a lie angle that was too upright?
Many manufacturers today are
building ‘standard’ clubs with very
upright lie angles. They think that
compensates for an over-the-top swing.
But do you have such a swing?
And how much over-the-top is it?
Let us help you hit more great shots. Let us check out your lie angles.
Get that right, and you’ll be amazed at how much more accurate you are.
This applies to all golfers. Why waste a great swing?